Thursday, September 26, 2019

Conquering Your Fear

“I have killed lions and bears, and I will do the same to this heathen Philistine, who has defied the army of the living God.” 1Samuel 17:36(GNB)

When you conquer the fear within, you conquer the challenge without. Someone said FEAR is Fake Evidence Appearing Real. The strength of your fear is the strength you give it.

Let me share with you five anchors to conquer the fear within.
1. Your testimony: if God has helped you to kill a Lion before, He can help you to kill a Goliath now. The higher challenge is a sign that you have graduated. The testimony of yesterday came to establish your confidence to win against the challenges of today.
2. God’s promises: God has promised not to leave you or forsake you and His promises can never fail. So you are not alone.
3. Other People’s testimonies: God is not a respecter of person, what He does for others, He will do for you. Someone somewhere has been helped by God to conquer this same kind of challenge, God will also help you.
4. Thanksgiving: Maintain a thanksgiving attitude at all times. If you are praiseful you cannot be a prey.
5. Face the challenge: when you face your fear it will phase out. The fear you are not willing to confront, you cannot conquer. It is more risky not to take risk. Just as David moved to confront Goliath, move to confront your fear.1Sam 17:48

If you are reading this message and have not given your life to Christ, I encourage you to repent from your sin and accept Jesus as your Savior and Lord. He will give you a new life.

You are more than conquerors says the Lord.

Prayer for today: I break the grip of fear over my life in Jesus name.

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