Sunday, July 28, 2019

Smart living

"Since a dull axe requires great strength, sharpen the blade. That's the value of wisdom; it helps you succeed." Ecc. 10:10 (New Living)

Wisdom will make a difference at all times. Imagine two persons assigned to two portions of land of the same size to clear. Both are given dull cutlasses to use. One of them thinks he has all the strength and starts working with the dull instrument while the other takes sometime out to go and sharpen the cutlass. I tell you the one with the sharpened instrument will come back, finish his work without struggle and leave the unwise colleague sweating it out.

The level of sweetness you experience on earth will be determined by the wisdom you carry. There is nothing you are going through which someone, somewhere has not gone through and overcome. That is why it is wise to give yourself to reading, particularly bible and books written by anointed men of God.

The time you take to develop yourself on the issues related to life and your chosen career is not wasted. The acquired wisdom will enable you to live and work smartly, bringing success without tears. It does not matter how people have described you or how it has been with you, get wisdom and success will come. If you have questions about life, get scriptures and books related to that area and prayerfully read and meditate on them. You will get revelation wisdom.

You will not be stranded in Jesus name.

Prayer for today: Oh God baptise me with the spirit of wisdom in Jesus name.

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