Friday, May 24, 2019

Can prayer be too much?

“And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed.” Mark 1:35

If you are in a Christian, prayer must be a daily and consistent part of your life. Prayer cannot take the place of right action but prayer is a right action that can help you find the right actions and empower you to take them. In the place of prayer, you get two major things that lead into breakthrough. You get impartation and revelation. Impartation brings an aura of favor and power upon you while revelation gives you answers to your questions. You cannot do without either of the two as a Christian in this wicked world.

Beloved, Jesus Christ, the word of God incarnate lived a life of prayer. You cannot make it in this endtime without having a life soaked in prayer. Anyone who says you are praying too much is an enemy of first, your destiny, second, your future and third, your Christian life. Jesus said when you are praying day and night, you are showing faith (Luke 18:7-8) and you know what, the just shall live by faith. Prayer empowers you to live. Daniel prayed three times every day he became a god in his generation (Daniel 5:11-12)

Beloved, pray until something happens, when something happens, pray until another thing happens. Prayer is as important as your daily food. Make up your mind to live a life of prayer then your destiny fulfilment is guaranteed.

I see God doing great and unusual things through you in Jesus name.

Prayer for today: Oh God, do whatever you want with my life in Jesus name.

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