Monday, March 4, 2019

Reach forth! 2

 “The Lord our God spake unto us in Horeb, saying, Ye have dwelt long enough in this mount:” Deuteronomy 1:6

Reach forth to a new mark in your life. Challenge your mount of comfort. Challenge the red sea and Jericho wall that wants you to stay on the same spot. Challenge the storms roaring against your desire to reach forth.

The Israelite stayed for about forty years in Mount Horeb. It was as if they were tied down there and have become so comfortable that they were no longer willing to proceed to the promised land. Moses challenged them to leave Mount Horeb and go forward. Some people may not actually want to reach forth because they are comfortable in their present situation. But God asked me to tell such people, you are not there yet, reach forth spiritually and physically.

Most people are actually trying to reach forth but for the “red sea” like and “Jericho wall” like situation, trying to hinder them. To such I declare that the red sea shall divide and the Jericho wall shall collapse in Jesus name. These obstacles are there first to tell you that reaching forth is important to your destiny. If it is not important, the devil will not try to hinder you. Secondly the obstacles are challenging your conviction to go to greater height. Lastly, it is an opportunity for you to search out what you should do to overcome them. For Moses at the red sea in Exodus 14, the people only had to move forward despite the red sea while Moses had to use his rod. While at the Jericho wall, they only had to walk around it for seven days and then shout a great shout on the last day.

Perhaps you are reaching forth but a storm has aroused. Speak to the storm and it will obey you as He did to Jesus when He and his disciples were trying to reach forth to the other side in Mark 4. I am in agreement with you that the storm is over in Jesus.

Beloved, reach forth, it is time to take new territories in Jesus name.

Prayer for today: I am reaching forth to a greater height in all areas of my life in Jesus name.

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