Thursday, February 14, 2019

Winning The Faith fight 4

“Jesus says, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, move from here to there, and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you” [Matthew 17:20, Luke 17:6].

One of the ways to express your faith is by “saying.” Speak to the mountain to move and state exactly where it should move to. The mountain is waiting for what you will say to it. Don’t be intimated by the size of the mountain, your faith-filled words can handle it no matter its sizes. If you say something to it, it will obey. If you say nothing, it will just stay there. Jesus said in our text today that If you can say it, nothing will be impossible for you. Say it until you see it. All situations that are confronting you are waiting for your instruction through your faith-filled words.

Ezekiel was taken to the valley full of dried bones in Ezekiel 37. The dried bones became a mighty army after a series of the prophetic declaration given by Ezekiel as revealed to him by God. The bones came together. The flesh came upon them. The spirit came into them. All because Ezekiel said it to them. You too can prophesy to the dry bones of your life. Speak the word of God to your situation until you see results.

Beloved, to win the faith fight, you must say something that agrees with your faith.
I see the mountain crumbling before you in Jesus name.

Prayer for today: What are you, mighty mountain? Before me, you will become level ground in Jesus name.

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