Sunday, February 24, 2019

Christian Love 3

“He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.” John 14:21

Love is an action word just as faith is an action word. The only true evidence of love is its expression. A Christian priority is to love God with the whole of his or her heart. If you love God in the bible way, you can never be beaten by anything in this world. This is because you will experience God’s power and presence in all situations.

There are two constituents of our love for God.

1.              Have His commandments: If you truly love the Lord, you must be hungry for His instructions (commandments) for your life at all times. His instructions are not burdensome. They may look unreasonable or uncomfortable but having them and keeping them will bring you breakthroughs. Let your daily prayer be “Oh Lord, what are you saying to me?” Have you ever been hungry or thirsty for something? Have you ever needed something as someone gasping for air to survive? When it comes to this love for God, you must seek His instructions with the whole of your being.

2.              Keep His commandment:  You must keep the instructions you have received from Him if you truly love Him. We do ourselves a lot of harm when we willfully disobey His instructions. We expose ourselves to defeat in the hand of the enemy and keep ourselves away from His presence when we reject His commandments. However, when we keep His instructions we harness the greatest force in heaven and on earth for our destinies.

Beloved, in all your getting, get His commandments and when you do, keep them. This is your way of expressing your love for God.

Prayer for today: Oh God grant me access to your instructions for my life and give me the grace to keep them in Jesus name.

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