Wednesday, November 21, 2018

While men slept!

“But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away.” Mathew 13:25

Beloved, physical sleep is allowed but spiritual sleep is not acceptable. Even at that, don’t let physical sleep have dominion over you. Although physical sleep is refreshing, inability to control it is an indication of spiritual damage. The enemy has chosen the time of the night; the time we are sleeping to launch his attacks. When a man is sleeping even if he is guarding his property, he is not really there. He is helpless and cannot resist the primary assignments of the invader which is to steal, to kill and to destroy.

Our text for today says when people were sleeping, the enemy came and put weeds among the wheat. In 1 Kings 3, a woman in the night, slept on her son and killed it. In the same chapter, another woman’s son was replaced with a dead one while she was sleeping. Proverbs 6 even says that an extra sleep brings in poverty. Beloved, many people are in trouble today because the enemy came when they were sleeping. Glory had been stolen or exchanged for another during the night while people were sleeping. The good news is that you can wake up from your sleep, go after the enemy and recover all.

Spiritually speaking, “night” can be anytime of weakness while “sleeping” is an indication of spiritual inactiveness. Keep yourself awake spiritually, don’t take the opposition for granted. Spend time in fellowship with God and in meditation on the word. Let your spiritual antenna be active to decode what the enemy is trying to do. Stay anointed to quench the advancement of the invaders.

I decree that the owners of evil loads shall carry them in Jesus name.

Prayer for today: O God, put your fire in my bones, let me have dominion over all forms of sleep both in the night and in the day in Jesus name.

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