Friday, July 20, 2018

Three forces that determine your life 1

“Then He touched their eyes, saying, “According to your faith [your trust and confidence in My power and My ability to heal] it will be done to you.”” Mathew 9:29 (AMP)

The first of the three forces that determine your life is Faith.  By the word “determine,” I mean control what is already happening in your life or what will happen in future. Faith according to Amplified version means trust and confidence. Faith is simply acting or speaking what you believe. In this message, I will use faith, believe and trust interchangeably. Whatever you believe, you have permitted to control your life. What is manifesting in your life and what will manifest in your life is determined by what you believe, your faith. Whatever or whoever you trust is given power to control or determine what happens to you. If you don’t like the evidences in your life, you will have to work on your faith. You can change contrary situation by believing the positive, acting and declaring it. In Mark 5:36, when Jairus was told that his daughter was dead, Jesus said to him, “don’t be afraid, only believe.” The question is “believe what?” I think, believe that his daughter was not dead! Jairus did, he believed that Jesus could still help him and that his daughter was not dead despite the fact that he has been told that she was dead. When Jesus got to Jairus house, he sent out the mourners, the people that believed that the girl was dead.

Beloved, be in charge of your life by meditating on the word of God, believing and declaring the word. Keep the company of those who believe and begin to see the word manifesting in your life.

Your story is changing for good in Jesus name.

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