Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Go and make news!

“Behold, I and the children whom the Lord hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the Lord of hosts,” Isaiah 8:18.KJV

News is made when the unusual and the unexpected occur, transforming the impossible into the possible. David’s triumph over Goliath was newsworthy because it was an unexpected victory. Had Goliath slain David, it would have been ordinary and not news. Similarly, when Samson tore apart a lion with his bare hands, it was extraordinary news. However, had the lion killed Samson, it would have been unremarkable. Elisha’s miracle of making an iron axe head float defied natural laws, making it a significant event. If the axe head had simply sunk, it would have been unsurprising. These examples teach us that when we face seemingly insurmountable challenges, it is an opportunity to create news and showcase God’s power through signs and wonders. Hear the word of the Lord: Your difficult situation is about to become news, a testament to God’s miraculous intervention.

Beloved, God’s word declares that you are destined for signs and wonders, making news a natural part of your life. Embrace this truth and trust in God’s power to work through you. In Matthew 14, Peter walked on water towards Jesus, creating news that still resonates today. Had he stayed in the boat, the miracle would never have occurred. Speak to your challenging circumstances and declare them transformed by God’s miraculous hand. Recall the story of the three Hebrew boys—Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego—who were thrown into the fiery furnace. Instead of being consumed by flames, they walked out unscathed, creating news of God’s deliverance. Like them, your faith and declarations can turn ordinary moments into extraordinary testimonies. Go forth and make news, bringing God’s wonders to light for all to see.

Prophetic word: Thus says the Lord, 'I have called you by name; you are Mine. You are for signs and wonders in this generation. I am the God of the impossible, and I will turn your trials into testimonies. Just as I was with David, Samson, and Elisha, so I am with you. I am about to showcase My power through your life in ways that will astound those around you. Fear not, for the challenges before you are merely opportunities for My glory to be revealed. Stand firm in your faith and declare My word over your situation. You will see the miraculous, and your story will become a beacon of hope and a testament to My greatness. Go and make news, for I am the Lord your God, and I am with you always.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your word that declares we are for signs and wonders. We stand on Your promises and believe that You are the God of the impossible. Lord, we lift up every difficult situation and challenge we face today. We declare in the mighty name of Jesus that these circumstances are opportunities for Your glory to be revealed. Just as You empowered David to defeat Goliath, Samson to slay the lion, and Elisha to make the axe head float, empower us to overcome our challenges.

Father, we pray for a fresh outpouring of faith and boldness to speak to our mountains and see them moved. Let Your miraculous power flow through our lives, turning our trials into testimonies and our struggles into stories of victory. May our lives become living news of Your goodness, grace, and power. We trust in You, Lord, and we thank You for the signs and wonders that will manifest. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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