Friday, August 23, 2024

Dry bones shall rise again!

“Then he said unto me, Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel: behold, they say, Our bones are dried, and our hope is lost: we are cut off for our parts.” Ezekiel 37:11 KJV

Dry bones shall rise again! This powerful declaration from Ezekiel 37:11 reminds us that no situation is too dire for God to handle. In this passage, the house of Israel felt abandoned, their hope lost, and their lives as good as dead. Yet, God revealed His ability to restore even the most desperate circumstances through His Word and Spirit. Just as Ezekiel commanded the dry bones to live, and they rose up as a mighty army, so you too can do the same. Through your declaration, God can breathe new life into any area of your life that seems hopeless or lifeless. Remember, with God, all things are possible (Matthew 19:26). He is the God who brings the dead to life and calls into being things that were not (Romans 4:17).

Do not declare that your bones are dried or that your hope is lost. Instead, align yourself with the promises of God and make positive declarations. The Word and the Spirit redeemed you (John 3:5–6), and they can also bring you restoration and progress. The Lord promises to restore the years the locusts have eaten (Joel 2:25) and to grant you the strength to outrun your challenges, just as He gave Elijah the speed to outrun Ahab's chariot (1 Kings 18:46). Trust in God’s power to turn your mourning into dancing (Psalm 30:11) and to clothe you with joy and strength once more. Dry bones shall rise again, for the breath of the Almighty gives life and revitalizes what seems dead.

Prophetic word: The Lord says to you today, "Do not be discouraged by the dryness around you. What seems lifeless and without hope is only a canvas for My miraculous power. Just as Ezekiel spoke to the dry bones in the valley and they came to life, so you too can speak to every dry area of your life. I am the God who makes all things new, and I am releasing a fresh wind over you, a wind that will cause dead dreams to awaken, lost hopes to be restored, and new opportunities to emerge. The dryness you have experienced is not the end; it is merely a season preparing you for a greater manifestation of My glory. Stand firm, speak My Word, and watch as I cause your dry bones to rise again into a mighty, living army, ready to fulfill your purpose and destiny in Me."

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your promise that dry bones shall rise again. We declare Your Word over every area of our lives that feels hopeless, lifeless, or barren. Lord, breathe Your Spirit upon us, bringing new life, strength, and restoration. Just as You brought life into the dry bones of Israel, we ask You to bring life into our circumstances. Restore what has been lost, heal what has been broken, and renew our strength to press forward. We trust in Your unfailing love and power, knowing that with You, nothing is impossible. May Your Spirit rest upon us, guiding us, empowering us, and causing us to walk in the fullness of Your promises. In Jesus' mighty name, we pray, Amen.

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