Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Who is your associate?

“And Laban said unto him, I pray thee, if I have found favour in thine eyes, tarry: for I have learned by experience that the Lord hath blessed me for thy sake.” Genesis 30:27
“Then Eliezer the son of Dodavah of Mareshah prophesied against Jehoshaphat, saying, Because thou hast joined thyself with Ahaziah, the Lord hath broken thy works. And the ships were broken, that they were not able to go to Tarshish.” 2 Chronicles 20:37
When choosing your associates in life, ministry and business, chose the people that love God. Your associates can determine whether God will bless you or not. Proverbs 13:20 says, “He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.” When you choose your associates, you have chosen a destiny!
There are some people that come into your life and your smallness will be over; your little will become much. That was what happened to Laban when Jacob became his associate, his livestock multiplied. He recognized this and said to Jacob that he knew that God had blessed him for Jacob’s sake. On the other hand, there are people that comes into a progressing thing and that is the end of the progress. Such people when they come into something that has been growing, retardation sets in immediately. Such was the influence of Ahaziah on Jehoshaphat. Jehoshaphat never failed on anything until Ahaziah became his associate. His ships were broken and could not get to their destinations.
Beloved, pray the right associates into your life, reject people that hates God no matter how attractive they are. May you associate with people that will bring God’s blessings into your life in Jesus name.
Prayer for today: I reject evil associates and pray godly associates into my life, ministry and business in Jesus name.

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