Monday, December 24, 2018

Favor with God

“And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favor with God.” Luke 1:30

Mary found favor with God and five things happened to her

1.              Her fear was taken away. The need to fear will be completely gone when a man finds favor
            with God. The Angel told Mary to fear not because she had found favor with God.

2.              She was visited by an Angel and received a word from the Lord. When a man finds favor with God, he gains access to specific word for his destiny. That was what happened to Mary, she heard God through the Angel about a specific assignment that God had for her.

3.              What she did not have did matter. She told the Angel that she did not have any man and that what the Angel was saying would be difficult. But the Angel told her that the Holy Spirit would take over. You see, when you find favor with God what you have or does not have is not a factor, you will be helped by the power of God to deliver the expected results.

4.              She received the divine ability to conceive and deliver supernaturally. A lot of people are roaming on the face of the earth not knowing what they should do with their lives. No goal, No vision, No ambition. When a man receives favor from God, he will become pregnant of something that is beyond his abilities and he will also be helped to make it happen. That was what happened to Mary, she was able to conceive supernaturally and deliver safely.

5.              She receives favors from men. First Elizabeth visited her and when she delivered, wise men came from the East to give the Child, gifts. When a man finds favor with God, he will also receive the favors of men.

Beloved, may you find favor with God in this season and always in Jesus name.

Prayer for today: Oh God, be with me, let me be highly favored and let me be blessed among men in Jesus name.

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