Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The name of the Lord

“The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe." Proverbs 18:10 (KJV).

The name of the Lord is indeed a powerful refuge, as seen throughout the Bible. In Exodus 3:14, God revealed His name to Moses as "I AM WHO I AM," showing that His name is a declaration of His eternal, unchanging nature. This same powerful name has been given to believers in Jesus Christ. Peter claimed that he had the name as a tangible possession in Acts 3:6. In John 14:13–14, Jesus promises that whatever we ask in His name will be done, demonstrating the authority and effectiveness of His name in prayer and in life. Just as David faced Goliath "in the name of the Lord of hosts" (1 Samuel 17:45), believers today can face their own challenges with the confidence that the name of Jesus will bring victory.

In Mark 16:17–18, Jesus promised that signs and wonders will follow those who believe in His name—they will cast out demons, heal the sick, and perform miracles. This emphasizes the authority we carry as believers when we stand in faith, using the name of Jesus with full confidence. The early church understood this deeply, you cannot afford not to. In Acts 4:12, Peter declared that there is "no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved." The name of the Lord is a strong tower for us today as it was in the Bible time. The name of Jesus not only delivers but also empowers us to become instruments of God's kingdom on earth.

Prophetic word: The Lord is telling you, "My name is your shield and your defense. When you call upon My name in faith, every barrier before you must bow, and every mountain must be made low. My name is a fortress that no enemy can penetrate. In this season, I am empowering you to walk in the authority of My name like never before. As you declare the name of Jesus, the doors that seemed shut will open, and impossible situations will turn around. I will show My faithfulness to you as you trust in the power of My name. Fear not, for My name will fight for you and bring you into the place of safety, peace, and victory."

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I thank You for the powerful name of Jesus that has been given to us as a strong tower. I declare today that I run into the refuge of Your name, knowing that I am safe and secure. Lord, help me to walk in the authority and power that come with Your name. Just as David defeated Goliath by calling upon Your name, I stand in faith and declare that every giant in my life will fall at the name of Jesus. I speak healing, deliverance, and breakthroughs over my life and the lives of others in Jesus’ name. Let signs, wonders, and miracles follow me as I boldly declare Your name. Amen.

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