Tuesday, September 25, 2018

When the church prays

“Peter therefore was kept in prison: but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him.” Acts 12:5
The only thing the church will not achieve, attain, obtain or possess is the thing she is not willing to constantly pray for. When the church prays, wickedness is broken, contrary authority is subdued, righteousness prevails. The prayer of the church is stronger than the authority of human kings no matter how powerful they are.
In our text today, the church prayed without ceasing for the release of Peter. Note that the chapter opened with the arrest of Judah who Herod killed because the church did nothing about it. And when Herod found that the enemies were pleased, he proceeded to arrest Peter also so that he could kill him. The church suddenly woke up and prayed. Despite the fact that Peter was kept in a way that humanly speaking it was impossible for him to come out. God rescued him. He was surprised so also was the praying church.
The good news is that it takes only two to make the church. Mathew 18:20, “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” If at least two can gather and pray without ceasing, destiny of nations can be changed, deliverance can be obtained.
May God raise a praying church in every nation of the world in Jesus name.
Prayer for today: O God arise and put passion for constant and fervent prayer in your church in Jesus name.

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