Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Secret of God

”As I was in the days of my youth, when the secret of God was upon my tabernacle” Job 29:4.

When you access the secret of men you rule like men but when you access the secret of God you rule like “god” among men. John 10:35 says, “If He called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken”

Paul the Apostle, before he became a Christian, studied Law and Religion under the best tutor of his time, Gamaliel. And as a result he became a leader among the Pharisees and also a Murderer of Christians. The best he could be was the expectation of men for him. But when he encountered God and had access to His secret, he began to do what only God could do among men (Act 14:11; Act 28:6). He wrote the largest part of the New Testament; his learning of the secret of men obviously helped him when he began to have a relationship with God. Study the life of Joseph and Daniel. They had understanding of the secret of men and had access to the secret of God and that was why they ruled like God among men. Job became the richest man of his time because he had access to the secret of God.

Now you can access the secret of men by listening to them, reading the books they wrote and by relating with them. You must not be lazy at doing that but as a Christian in this end time what will make you stand out is access to the secret of God. There is an information bank beyond the mental realm of men which belongs to you as a Child of God. This bank is what I call the Secret of God which you must explore. This secret can be accessed by fearing God (Psalm 25:14), meditation on the word of God (Joshua 1:8), Praying in tongues regularly and asking God specifically to grant you access into His secret in prayer.

I ask God to give you grace to do these consistently this year. The year 2012 is delivered into your hands in Jesus name.

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