Monday, January 30, 2012

Battles at the Gates

“But as it is written: Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for those who love Him” 1Cor. 2:9

There five gates where battles of life are either won or loss. They are the eye gate, the ear gate, the mind gate, the will gate and the mouth gate.

The eye gate: You must control what you see because what you see is what you become. Until you see right, your life cannot be right. Jer. 1:11-12; Gen. 30:37-40. Now seeing is different from looking. Until the snap button of a camera is pressed the picture is not taken. Seeing is when the picture of what you are looking at, get registered in you. Whenever the enemy brings you pictures to look at it is your responsibility to chose what you will see.

The ear gate: What you are hearing has direct effect on your life. When you hear faith-filled words, your life goes up. But when you keep on hearing fear-filled words, your life goes down. When you receive a truth, you have a breakthrough. Choose what you are hearing, your life depends on it.

The mind gate: The greatest battle of life takes place in the mind. Your thinking happens in the mind. Now when you lose the battle at the eye gate and the ear gate, the chance that you will win in the mind is slim. This is because the eye gate and the ear gate lead directly to the mind gate. And whatever enters your mind has entered your life. 2Cor 10:3-4, Pro. 23:7, Pro. 4:23

The will gate: The mind gate leads directly to the will gate. Every action a man takes is first settled in his mind. Gen 11:6, 2Cor 4:4

The mouth gate: The mind gate also leads directly to the mouth gate. “For out of the abundance of the heart (mind) the mouth speaketh” Math 12:34 (emphasis mine). You will always have what you say (mark 11:23-24).

Beloved, work on these gates in your life in the light of the word of God and your life will never remain the same. I decree that you will win the battles of life in Jesus name.

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