Monday, July 23, 2012

Slaying the giant

“………….. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.” 1John 3:8

 I don’t care to know the giant that is confronting you right now but I care to tell you that you are anointed to slay the giant if you are a Child of God. You are born again and filled with the Holy Ghost to slay the giant confronting your life and destiny. You have been made manifest to destroy the works of the devil. Goliath tormented the army of Israel for forty days because no anointed person was present; Saul was an ex-anointed. But when David the anointed came, he brought Goliath down. Until you believe that you are anointed, your giant will keep on standing. It takes power to become a Child of God (John 1:12, Rom 1:16) and that same power is enough to deal with the works of the devil (2John 3:8). You have to destroy not only the giant confronting you but also the giant confronting your community. Destroy the giant of corruption, immorality, poverty, joblessness, unrighteousness and such that is confronting our nation. Beloved, you are anointed to do it. Now you must activate this anointing the same way David activated the anointing on him to slay goliath by doing the following:
1.Think big (1Samuel 17:23-26): you are a product of your thought (Proverbs 23:7). Align your thinking with God’s word by meditating on His word.
2.Believe big (1Samuel 17:31-36): If you believe, all things are possible for you. Mark 9:23
3.Speak big (1Samuel 17:45-47): It is what you decree that comes to past. Job 22:28
4.Act big (1Samuel 17:48-49): Confront your giant, go forward, act big. James 2:17
And I can assure you that if you do these, God will do big through the anointing on you to slay the giant.
Your day is blessed.

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