Tuesday, December 1, 2009

God will do it again and again!

“As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, he saith unto the ruler of the synagogue, Be not afraid, only believe” Mark 5:36.

Beloved, there is no reason to doubt God, He will give you miracle(s) again and again.

A beloved sister visited few months ago from a neighboring capital city. I have ministered to her quite a number of times. This time she came to complain that prayers did not work for her and she wanted to kill herself. I encouraged her that she should not give up and not give room for doubt. She called me recently that God had given her the miracle. She got the job her heart desired.

If God had given you a miracle before, He can and will do it again. If you have not experienced a miracle before, prepare for one and many more.

Jairus in our text heard that Jesus could heal the sick and he came to Jesus. But shortly after, news came that the daughter he sought healing for, had died. The people and most likely Jairus himself did not know that Jesus could raise the dead, so they told Jairus to leave Jesus alone. Jesus told Jairus the there is no cause for alarm, he should only believe. Few hours later, Jairus had his daughter back alive.

Beloved, I don’t care to know how difficult or impossible the situation you are going through is but God asked me to tell you that He will do it again and again.

Welcome to your best month in the year 2009.

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