Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Truly blessed

“Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.” Ps 32:1

Sin is the disease of the Spirit, Poverty is the disease of the Soul (Mind) and Sickness is the disease of the Body. Satan is the origin of all these but Jesus provides solution to all. Jesus took our position of sin, poverty and sickness so that we might be free (Is 53:5, 2cor 8:9, 3John 1:2).

If you are wealthy but you are living in disobedience to God, you are not blessed because if you fail to repent you will end up in hell fire (Luke 16:19-31). If you are saved from sin and you are sick in your body or live in poverty, you are not blessed. A truly blessed man is saved from sin, has material blessings and is healthy.

Now the truth is that Jesus has finished the work for you to be truly blessed, what you need to do is to enforce what He has done for you. Let every wicked person repent and prayed through his salvation. Let every poor saint believe God, act on His word and pray through his prosperity, Let every sick saint believe God, act on His word and pray through his healings.

Beloved, if you are truly blessed, stay blessed; if you need to be blessed, get blessed.

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