“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.” John 1:1-3KJV
I wrote about the “Word you see” two days ago, emphasizing that the word you picture gives your world a reality. I want to say a bit more this morning. Your world depends significantly on the words you hear, read, speak, and act on. Words are information. Words are a revelation. Words are light. Words are food. Words are power. Words can heal and can kill. Words can bring a person down and can lift a person. Words can inform and can deform. If a man is doing evil, he has heard some words. If a man is changing lives, he also has heard a word. Words are blessings; words are curses. Words are prophecies. If you want to shape your world, you must choose your words. Words take on the personalities of the speaker. Read Ezekiel 37:7, Acts 26:14, and 2 Kings 7:1.
Sources of the words include your immediate family, the company you keep, the school you attend, the church you attend, the books you read, the television, radio, internet, phone, and others. You can choose the word in your life by controlling access to these sources. You control people’s access to your life, listening to or refusing to listen to them. Now, hear this: if your world is not what you expect it to be, you must check the word you are hearing, reading, speaking, and acting upon. May your world be filled with anointed words, words of blessing, instructions, directions, and revelation in Jesus' name. The greatest word you can hear for your destiny is a word from the Lord.
Prophetic word: The Lord says, "I am aligning your life with My Word to bring forth a new season of clarity, purpose, and breakthrough. My Word is light in your darkness and strength in your weakness. As you incline your ear to My voice and speak My promises, I will bring restoration to the dry places and breathe life into the dreams you thought were dead. My Word will not return to Me void but will accomplish all that I send it to do in your life (Isaiah 55:11). Do not fear the noise of the world or the lies of the enemy, for I am speaking peace into your storm and direction into your confusion. You will see My Word fulfilled, for I am watching over it to perform it (Jeremiah 1:12). Hold fast to what I have spoken, and I will establish you."
Prayer: Father, in the name of Jesus, we thank You for the power of Your Word that brings life, light, and transformation. Lord, we ask that You help us align our hearts and minds with Your truth, rejecting every word of fear, doubt, or deception that the enemy may sow. Speak into every area of our lives, Lord—our families, careers, ministries, and health—and let Your Word bring order where there has been chaos, healing where there has been pain, and hope where there has been despair. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.
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