Friday, January 17, 2025

Have positive faith!

“But wisdom (faith) is justified of all her children.” Luke 7:35KJV (my paraphrase)

I have defined wisdom as faith in God’s word in the context of this message. When you doubt God’s word, it is a negative faith called foolishness. Everyone has faith; everyone also has doubts. When you have faith in the positive, you doubt the negative. According to our text, you can know the charge on your faith by the results it produces. No matter what you go through, have faith in God. This is the only way to change the negative situation into a positive one. Negative faith is easy, but positive faith is difficult. This is because positive faith doubts negative evidence and facts and insists on unseen positive situations (2 Cor 5:7). Positive faith becomes easy when you spend time with God and His word and with people of faith.  Positive faith does not give up until it sees the results (Luke 18:1–8).

Positive faith is rooted in trusting God's promises, even when circumstances seem contrary. Abraham exemplifies this in Romans 4:19–21. Despite his and Sarah's old age and physical inability to have children, Abraham did not waver in unbelief. Instead, he was "fully persuaded that God had the power to do what He had promised. Positive faith challenges what is seen and clings to the unseen promises of God (Hebrews 11:1). It turns the focus from earthly limitations to divine possibilities, enabling believers to declare victory in the face of challenges. Positive faith requires persistence, as seen in the parable of the persistent widow in Luke 18:1-8. She refused to give up until she received justice. Likewise, faith in God’s Word silences doubts, strengthens resolve, and produces results, just as wisdom is justified by her children. No matter the storm, trust in God's unchanging Word, and He will bring His promises to pass (Isaiah 55:11).

Prophetic word: I declare over your life today that your faith will rise above every doubt and fear. The Lord says, “Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10). Whatever seems impossible in your life shall bow to the power of your faith in God. Like Abraham, you will not waver through unbelief, but you will grow strong, giving glory to God, because He who has promised is faithful to perform (Romans 4:20-21). The mountains before you will become a plain, for your faith will move them (Matthew 17:20). Step forward in boldness, knowing that God is turning every negative situation into a testimony of His power and goodness. Your faith will bear fruit, and the world will see that the Lord is with you!

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we thank You for the gift of faith and for Your unfailing promises. Lord, we ask that You strengthen our faith, even in the midst of challenges. Help us to fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, for what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal (2 Corinthians 4:18). Holy Spirit, guide us into deeper communion with You, that we may grow in wisdom and understanding. We cast out every seed of doubt, fear, and unbelief, declaring that our trust is in You alone. Father, may Your Word produce results in our lives that glorify Your name. Empower us to walk by faith and not by sight, knowing that You are faithful to complete the good work You have started in us. In Jesus’ mighty name, we pray, Amen

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