Saturday, December 28, 2024

Where is your fire?

“I am come to send fire on the earth; and what will I, if it be already kindled?” Luke 12:49 (KJV)

My interpretation of our text is that Jesus is asking you where your fire is. Fire represents the presence, power, and purity of God. God Himself is described as a consuming fire (Hebrews 12:29). When Elijah stood against the prophets of Baal, it was the fire of God that descended and proved the supremacy of the Almighty (1 Kings 18:38). Where is your fire? As Christians, we are called to carry this divine fire to enforce God’s kingdom, bring light into darkness, and purify ourselves from all unrighteousness. If the Holy Spirit has baptized you, then the fire is within you. John the Baptist testified that Jesus would baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire (Matthew 3:11). Are you living in the power of that fire?

Fire refines and empowers. Daniel’s three friends, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, were thrown into the fiery furnace, but instead of being destroyed, they were liberated (Daniel 3:25). That same fire became a testimony to the living God. In Acts 2:3, the fire of the Holy Spirit rested on the disciples, transforming them from fearful followers into bold witnesses for Christ. Where is your fire today? Like Elijah, call down the fire of God in prayer to consume attackers and arresters (2 Kings 1). Allow the purifying power of this fire to remove impurities and prepare you for your divine purpose. Pray fervently, fast diligently, and remain connected to the source—Jesus Christ. The fire is not just for you; it is for setting the world ablaze with God’s glory. Fan the flames and let the fire of the Holy Ghost manifest fully in your life!

Prophetic word: I declare over your life today: The fire of the Holy Ghost is reigniting within you! Every dormant flame is being fanned into a blazing fire that cannot be extinguished. You are a carrier of God’s presence, and through you, chains will be broken, lives will be transformed, and the kingdom of God will advance. The Lord says, “I am setting you ablaze for My glory, and through your life, My fire will spread to the nations.” Every obstacle in your path is consumed by this holy fire, and you will shine like refined gold. You are stepping into a season of boldness, power, and divine manifestation. Where others have seen ashes, you will bring forth beauty. Go forth as a firebrand in the hands of the Almighty, for the Lord has called you to carry His fire to a lost and dying world!

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your fire that purifies, empowers, and transforms. Lord, I ask that You ignite a fresh fire in my spirit today. Let every area of my life that has grown cold or stagnant be set ablaze with passion for You. Holy Spirit, baptize me anew with Your fire and power, that I may fulfill Your purpose for my life. Let Your fire consume every sickness, bondage, and limitation standing in my way. Father, make me an agent of deliverance, just as You used Elijah and the apostles of old. I declare that my life will burn brightly for You, drawing others to Your kingdom. Lord, let Your fire spread through me, bringing revival, healing, and restoration. In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen!

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