Thursday, October 3, 2024

You will inherit the promise!

“That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises..” Hebrews 6:12 (KJV).

I have a word for someone today who has been holding on to God for something that seems impossible in the eyes of men. Be assured that you will inherit the promises of God, for He is faithful. Hebrews 6:12 reminds us not to be sluggish but to imitate those who, through faith and patience, inherited the promises. Think of Abraham, who waited patiently for God's promise of a son, and despite the impossibility of his situation, God fulfilled His word (Genesis 21:1-2). Similarly, Sarah, though past the age of childbearing, received strength through faith to conceive because she judged God faithful who had promised (Hebrews 11:11). What seems impossible to you today is fully possible with God (Luke 1:37), and you will have your testimonies.

Three things are crucial as you await the fulfillment of God’s promises: keep declaring your testimonies in faith, even before you see them; continue to praise God for what He is doing, trusting His timing; and keep asking for the power of the Holy Spirit to sustain you, as Jesus instructed in Luke 24:49. Just as the disciples waited for the promise of the Holy Spirit and received it in power, so too will you receive your promise as you walk in faith and patience. The impossible will be made possible by God’s hand, and you will testify to His goodness.

Prophetic word: The Lord is saying to you today, "Do not lose heart, for the promises I have made to you are sure, and My Word never fails. Just as I fulfilled My promise to Abraham and Sarah in their old age, so will I bring to pass the things you have been waiting for. What seems delayed is not denied, for I am working in the unseen. Keep your eyes fixed on Me, and not on what you see around you. Your season of fulfillment is at hand. The impossible is becoming possible because My power is at work in you. Stay in faith, keep declaring My Word, and watch as I turn the situation around for My glory. You will inherit the promise, and your testimony will be a sign of My faithfulness."

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your unfailing promises. Just as You have spoken through Your Word in Hebrews 6:12, I pray for the strength to walk in faith and patience as I wait for the fulfillment of Your promises in my life. Lord, I ask for fresh power from Your Holy Spirit to strengthen me in this season of waiting, and I declare that I will see the impossible made possible in Jesus' name. I praise You in advance for the testimonies that are coming my way, for I know that Your Word is true, and Your timing is perfect. May I continue to hold fast to Your promises, knowing that I will inherit all that You have spoken over my life. In Jesus' mighty name, Amen.

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