Monday, October 14, 2024

This is not yours!

“And in the morning when I tried to nurse my son, he was dead! But when I looked more closely in the morning light, I saw that it wasn’t my son at all.” 1 kings 3:21NLT

Beloved, do not be deceived by the schemes of the enemy. Just as the woman in 1 Kings 3:21 discovered in the morning that the dead child was not hers, you too must recognize that the burdens the enemy has placed on you are not yours to carry. The enemy may have tried to replace your joy with sorrow, your success with failure, and your health with sickness, but none of these things belong to you. God has given you victory over sickness, lack, and shame. Just as the woman took her case to the king and justice was served, you must take your case to the King of kings, Jesus Christ, who is able to restore what was stolen and reverse the lies of the enemy.

In our text this morning, two women slept in the night. One killed her son by sleeping on it. She then replaced the other woman’s living child with her dead child while the other woman was sleeping. The other woman already thought and accepted that the dead child was her own. But when she lokked closely in the morning. she discovered that the dead child was not hers. Beloved, in our time of weaknesses the enemy had done a lot of wrong things in our lives. When we were “sleeping,” unable to react to the attack of the enemy, he planted the unwanted seed. Some of us are already taking it as normal. But don’t! If you look at it seriously you will discover that it is not yours. The woman reported the matter to the king and the King settled her. The dead child which was not hers was taken away and her living child was restored to her. It is time to report the matter to the King of kings and the Lord of lords to reject what the enemy did and accept what God has done for you. I reverse what the enemy has done in your life in Jesus’ name.

Prophetic word: Beloved, hear the word of the Lord: The lies of the enemy will not stand in your life. What has been stolen from you, what has been exchanged in the darkness, will be exposed and restored. I see a divine reversal coming to you. Just as the living child was restored to the right woman in the presence of the king, so shall everything that belongs to you be returned in double measure. The Lord is saying, "I am your Restorer, your Healer, and your Defender." You will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Every dead thing the enemy placed in your hands is being removed, and every promise of life, success, and blessing from God is being restored to you. The season of stagnation is over, and the season of breakthrough is now! Walk in victory, for the Lord fights for you.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, in the mighty name of Jesus, I thank You because You are a God of justice and restoration. I stand in agreement with Your Word today, declaring that every evil exchange, every lie of the enemy, and every stolen blessing is being reversed right now in the name of Jesus. I speak life where there has been death, joy where there has been sorrow, and health where there has been sickness. Lord, I pray for Your divine intervention in my life, that what the enemy meant for evil will be turned around for good. Just as the child was restored to the rightful mother, restore everything that has been lost or stolen from me. I report the matter to You, our King, knowing that You will settle it in my favor. I decree breakthroughs, healing, and restoration in Jesus' mighty name. Amen!

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