“But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up.” Matthew 15:13 KJV
If it is not planted by God, it can be uprooted. If it can be seen, it is subject to change (2 Cor 4:18). If it was done by the enemy, it could be destroyed (1 John 3:8). Even if you don’t want it, it can be changed (2 Kings 20:1-5). Through prayer, faith, wise choices, and a generous heart, we align with God’s will, allowing Him to bring about the change we seek. When we root ourselves in Him, there is no situation—planted by the enemy or arising from circumstances—that He cannot change or uproot for His glory and our good. I am happy to announce that the enemy has no final say in your life.
Beloved, insist on the desired change; don’t give up (Luke 18:1-7). Be violent in your spirit; physical violence is not permitted, but spiritual violence is (Matthew 11:12). Don’t stop until you receive your testimony. Prayers do not fail; only the people who give up fail. God does not fail; only the unfaithful fail. Sacrificial giving can turn things around for you. Your harvest is coming (Gal 6:9), and your reward is nearer and closer to you than you think (Romans 10:8-9).
Prophetic word: The Lord is saying to you, "Fear not, for I am your strength and sustainer. Every seed of affliction, doubt, or fear not planted by My hand shall be uprooted from your life. You are not bound by the works of the enemy or by circumstances that seem immovable. I am the God who breaks chains and moves mountains, turning around every plot and scheme for your good. Even that which seems deeply rooted will be overturned by My power. Walk in faith, for what is seen is temporary, and what I am doing in you is eternal. Be still and know that I am the God who uproots, restores, and plants anew."
Prayer: Heavenly Father, I come before You in faith, acknowledging that You are the ultimate gardener of my life. I surrender every situation, every worry, and every fear to You. In the name of Jesus, I ask that You uproot every ungodly seed and break every stronghold of the enemy. Replace what the enemy meant for harm with Your peace, joy, and purpose. I declare Your will be done in my life and over every aspect that concerns me. I thank You, Lord, that You are with me, guiding me, and working all things together for my good. In Jesus' mighty name, Amen.
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