Monday, September 30, 2024

You shall be remembered!

 “Yet did not the chief butler remember Joseph, but forgat him.” Genesis 40:23 (KJV).

You shall be remembered! Even though the chief butler forgot Joseph, God never did.  When the Lord remembers you, every delay and disappointment becomes a stepping stone to your divine elevation. When God remembered Joseph, He positioned him for greatness, making him a ruler in the land of his captivity (Genesis 41:41–43). If the chief butler had remembered him, he would have been released from prison to flee from Egypt, a land of his inheritance. Likewise, when God remembered Noah, He caused the waters to recede, and Noah emerged into a new beginning (Genesis 8:1). The Lord's remembrance is never late, and His timing is perfect. This is your season to be remembered, and God's purpose for you shall be fulfilled.

Throughout Scripture, we see the power of God's remembrance. He remembered Hannah and opened her womb (1 Samuel 1:19-20). He remembered His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and delivered the Israelites from bondage (Exodus 2:24). In the same way, the Lord will remember you in this season. He will restore all that was lost and bring about new blessings, for He has declared, "I know the plans I have for you," plans to prosper and not to harm you (Jeremiah 29:11). In this final quarter of 2024, expect divine intervention. The Lord shall remember you, and your testimony will overflow with joy and victory.

Prayer: Father, in the mighty name of Jesus, I thank You for Your unfailing love and mercy. I pray for Your divine remembrance to rest upon me in this season. Just as You remembered Joseph and lifted him from the prison to the palace, I ask that You elevate me from every low place. Lord, remember every promise You have spoken over my life, and bring them to fulfillment. Let the delays and disappointments be turned into testimonies of Your faithfulness. As You remembered Sarah and gave her a child, remember me and birth new beginnings in my life. As You remembered Zion and turned their captivity, turn around every situation in my life that seems hopeless. Father, I declare that in this last quarter of the year, I will see Your hand of favor, restoration, and breakthrough. In Jesus' name, amen.

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