Thursday, September 26, 2024

Covenant demands!

“And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren! For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.” Matthew 12:49-50 (KJV).

The covenant relationship is the strongest on earth. We Christians are called sons of God because there is a covenant relationship that permits us to call God, Father. This means that all of God is available for us. Technically speaking, no Christian should live a defeated life. The same covenant gives us access to God's Word and Spirit. The same covenant gives us access to the wisdom and power of God. However, every covenant has a demand on the persons involved. The new covenant demands fellowship, revelation, and obedience. You cannot claim to be in covenant with God without having a personal altar for him. The altar will be a platform for you to receive direction and empowerment from the Lord. And when you obey the instruction from the altar, you walk in dominion on earth.

Jesus lived a life that exemplified how we should service the demands of the covenant. He spent quality time with God daily (Mark 1, Matthew 8) and encouraged us to do so (Luke 18:1). He judged as he heard from God because He sought the will of God in all things (John 5:30). Don’t be deceived, everything about you is spiritual as a child of God. Seeking God’s will in all things is part of the covenant. You would discover that Jesus was confident in all situations. He knew he had solutions because he had been with God. When you meet the demands of the new covenant, you become bold in all situations.

Prophetic word: The covenant you have with God is the most powerful relationship you will ever experience. God, in His mercy and love, has called you into a family relationship with Him through Christ. You are His child, and the fullness of His wisdom, power, and provision is available to you. But this covenant comes with divine demands—demands that are designed to elevate you into a place of dominion and purpose. As you commit to fellowship with God, His Spirit will guide you into revelation, unlocking mysteries that are hidden from the world. Your altar, your place of prayer, is the sacred space where heaven's wisdom is poured into your life. It is in your obedience to the revelations you receive that you will walk in the dominion God intends for you. The Lord is calling you to a deeper level of intimacy with Him, where His voice becomes clearer and His direction for your life becomes more distinct.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I thank You for the covenant we have through Christ Jesus, a covenant that calls me into Your family as a child of God. I recognize the depth of this relationship and the great privilege it is to have access to Your wisdom, Your power, and Your love. Today, I dedicate my life anew to meeting the demands of this covenant. Lord, help me to build and maintain my altar, a place where I will consistently seek Your face and receive direction from You. Fill me with the desire to walk in revelation, to hear Your voice clearly, and to obey without hesitation. Grant me the grace to seek Your will in all things. In Jesus' mighty name, Amen!

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