Friday, September 27, 2024

In the midst of a battle?

“Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God. They are brought down and fallen: but we are risen, and stand upright.” Psalms 20:7-8 (KJV).

Perhaps you are in the midst of a battle right now, you cannot lose if you put your trust in God. The support system for a Christian in the midst of a battle is more than the arms of men, it is the arms of God (Psalms 44:3, Psalms 125:1). No matter how potent your instruments are, if you fail to put your trust in God, you fall low into the realm of men. We don’t win battles by our physical weapon but by the backing of our God. The horse is prepared for the battle, but victory is of the Lord (Proverbs 21:31). Our battles become God’s battle when we put our trust in Him. This guarantees our victory. This is the reason why, as a child of God, you must be hungry for God on a daily basis. You cannot lose any battle when the reality of God is in you.

Gideon only needed 300 men with the backing of God to subdue the Midianites, who are multitude in number. David only needed a stone and sling with the backing of God to bring down goliath. Jehoshaphat only needed to sing to bring sudden destruction to three nations that came against him. Whatever battle you are in right now can be won if you put your trust in God. God will guide you, empower you and fight for you, if you desire Him above all and trust in Him.

Prophetic word: The Lord says, "Fear not, for I am with you in the midst of the battle. Though the enemy rises like a flood, I, the Lord, will raise a standard against him. You shall not be overwhelmed nor overtaken, for I am your shield and your strong tower. I will go before you and make every crooked path straight. The battle you face is not yours, but Mine, and I will bring you through to victory. Trust in Me, for I am the God of deliverance, and I shall establish you in peace. Your enemies will stumble and fall, but you will rise and stand firm in My name. Know that I am the God who fights for you, and nothing formed against you shall prosper. You are more than a conqueror through Christ, and the victory is already yours."

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that You are our refuge, our fortress, and our deliverer. We declare that our trust is not in the strength of men or the might of any worldly power, but in Your great name. Lord, we thank You for the assurance that You are with us in the midst of every battle. We remember that victory belongs to You, and we lay every burden, every struggle, and every fear at Your feet. Lord, just as You delivered Gideon with a small army, and David with a single stone, we ask that You grant us victory in whatever battle we face today. Strengthen our faith and give us peace to know that You are fighting for us. Let us stand upright in the power of Your name and see our enemies fall. Guide our steps, empower us with Your wisdom, and cover us with Your protection. In You, we are more than conquerors. We thank You in advance for the testimonies that will come from this battle, for You are faithful, and You never fail. We declare that we are risen, we stand upright, and through You, we will see victory. In Jesus' mighty name, Amen.

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