Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Costly transactions!

“And Esau said to Jacob, Feed me, I pray thee, with that same red pottage; for I am faint: therefore was his name called Edom. And Jacob said, Sell me this day thy birthright.” Genesis 25:30-31 (KJV).

Life entails transactions that cost more than we think and often involve something more valuable. Several years ago, a man came to consult with my wife because he had court cases. I happened to be in her law chamber and heard the conversation. I inquired about the dream he had prior to the onset of the problems. He told me that in the dream, the owner of the oldest hospital in the area where he had his own hospital prepared a delicious meal for him, which he ate and enjoyed. I told him that he had to pay for the food; it was a transaction, and it was not free. The owner of the food wanted his hospital as payment for the food he ate in the dream.

Beware that many spiritual transactions happen in the realms of food, sex, and sleep. Esau gave his birthright for a meal (our text). Judah gave his staff of glory for an illicit sex (Genesis 38:18); remember Samson too. The issue of sex affects both males and females, a woman can transact her glory for illicit sex. Even the enemy sowed a bad seed when a man sleeps (Matthew 13:25). This is a world of daily spiritual and physical transactions. The merchandise includes the soul of men (the glory and destiny of men) (Revelation 18:13). Be strong in the Lord and discipline yourself in these areas. The Bible encourages us to watch and pray. Many have traded their destinies for these three areas. If you are reading this message and you have been robbed as a result of satanic and witchcraft transactions involving food, sex, or sleep, I decree a total restoration for you in Jesus’ name.

Prophetic word: The Lord is revealing that many have unknowingly entered into transactions that have cost them their God-given inheritance and destiny. But today, the Lord declares a time of divine restoration! What the enemy has stolen through subtle exchanges—whether through food, lust, or slumber—shall be redeemed by the power of God. The Lord is breaking the chains of every transaction that has robbed you of your glory, and He is restoring the fullness of your inheritance. Just as Esau’s birthright was traded away for a temporary pleasure, many have given up their potential, their dreams, and their divine favor for things that do not satisfy. But today, the Spirit of the Lord says, “I am reversing the exchange! What was stolen from you will be returned, and the glory you thought was lost will be restored in double measure.” Be alert and guard your heart, for the Lord is giving you strength to stand firm in times of temptation. Your eyes will be opened to the schemes of the enemy, and you will walk in victory and authority.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your grace and mercy upon our lives. Lord, I stand in the gap for everyone who has knowingly or unknowingly entered into a costly spiritual transaction that has stolen their birthright and destiny. By the power of the blood of Jesus, I decree a full restoration of every lost glory, every stolen inheritance, and every diverted destiny in the mighty name of Jesus! Father, break the chains of bondage caused by these transactions, and release Your children into freedom and abundance. Lord, where there have been exchanges through food, lust, or spiritual slumber, let the fire of the Holy Spirit burn every demonic contract to ashes! I declare that no weapon formed against Your people shall prosper, and every tongue that rises in judgment is condemned. In Jesus' mighty name, Amen.

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