Monday, February 24, 2014

Challenging unbelief

“And to whom sware he that they should not enter into his rest, but to them that believed not?  So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief.

Beloved, there is a place of rest in this world, yes, there is!!! But only faith will get you there. There are troubles in this world but the bible speaks about faith which is necessary for you and I to ride on the wind of our troubles and enjoy God-given rest. The bible says that the just shall live by faith, this implies that “death” is inevitable without faith. Things like depression, worries, anxiety are “death” which is product of unbelief. God is the giver of all good things, but whatever you cannot believe God for, you are not qualified to receive. What is impossible for men is possible with God and for those who believe. Beloved if there is something your life needs but you are struggling to believe God for, then do the following:
  1. Read and meditate on similar miracles in the bible.
  2. Read about people who have similar testimonies.
  3. Keep on confessing that you believe God for a miracle,
  4. Ask God to help your unbelief.
I decree divine intervention in any troubling situation confronting you in Jesus name.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Where is your fire?

“I am come to send fire on the earth; and what will I, if it be already kindled?” Luke 12:49

God the Father is a consuming fire (Hebrews 12:29). God the Son came to bring fire (Luke 12:49). John said about Him that He baptizes with the Holy Ghost and fire (Mathew 3:11). The Holy Ghost came upon the first disciples as cloven tongues like as of fire (Acts 2:3). Christians are therefore generations of fire carriers! They carry fire to enforce the kingdom of God on earth. They carry fire because they are connected with God who manifests as fire. If you are a Christian, then where is your fire?

Fire purifies; that is why when raw gold passes through fire it comes out shinning. Fire is a disinfectant; that is why where there is fire you cannot find rodents and insects. When you carry fire, it will first of all bring you deliverance and then you will be an agent of deliverance to others. Remember Elijah called down fire to consume those that came to arrest him (2kings 1).  When the three Hebrews were thrown inside fire the breath of the fire killed the people that put them there and when they got inside fire, they were loosed from their bondage (Daniel 3:22-25). When you pray that Holy Ghost fire should incubate your life, or that you receive fire of the Holy Ghost, you are tapping into your fire source. When you spend time praying you are consolidating the manifestation of fire in your life.

Beloved, it is your responsibility to manifest fire, go for it in Jesus name. I decree the fire of the Holy Ghost to consume every sickness, bondage and limitation in your life. You will be what God wants you to be in Jesus name.